Deploying 3scale to CRC

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This document will walk you through the process of installing Red Hat 3scale API Management, an API management product, on CodeReady Containers, an OpenShift environment running on desktops and laptops.


System requirements

CRC requires the following system resources:

  • 4 virtual CPUs (vCPUs)
  • 8 GB of memory
    • The procedure on this page recommends that you allocate at least 10GB of memory to the CRC virtual machine, preferably 16GB.
  • 35 GB of storage space


A Red Hat Developer account is required. For details on how to register, please refer to Red Hat Developer page.

After registering, create a service account with the Token Generator, then note the username and token.

My tested environment

CRC is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, so you can try it in other environments as well.

Installation procedure

  1. Download CRC and Pull Secret from this download page.
  2. Extract the CRC archive file, then move to the extracted directory.
  3. $ ./crc setup

  4. $ ./crc start -p /path/to/pull-secret
    It will take quite a while, so please be patient. When the following message is output, the CRC has been started.

    INFO To access the cluster, first set up your environment by following 'crc oc-env' instructions
    INFO Then you can access it by running 'oc login -u developer -p developer https://api.crc.testing:6443'
    INFO To login as an admin, run 'oc login -u kubeadmin -p HeJWN-ckbCA-Q96Ds-Sj763 https://api.crc.testing:6443'
    INFO You can now run 'crc console' and use these credentials to access the OpenShift web console
    Started the OpenShift cluster
    WARN The cluster might report a degraded or error state. This is expected since several operators have been disabled to lower the resource usage. For more information, please consult the documentation

    The login user, password, connection destination, etc. are printed in the startup message, so please note them.
    After the CRC indicates that the startup is complete, you can access the OpenShift web console. However, in some cases, the startup process is still going on.

  5. Enable oc command.

    $ eval $(./crc oc-env)
  6. Login to the OpenShift with this command.

    $ oc login -u kubeadmin -p <password> https://api.crc.testing:6443

    Replace <password> with the generated password.

  7. Create a project (e.g. 3scale28)

    $ oc new-project 3scale28
  8. Create threescale-registry-auth secret in the project

    $ oc create secret docker-registry threescale-registry-auth \ \
     --docker-username="your-registry-service-account-username" \
  9. Run $ crc console to open the OpenShift web console.


  10. Select Administrator view.
  11. Open OperatorHub.
  12. Search "3scale".
  13. Click Red Hat Integration - 3scale
  14. Click Install button.
  15. Select a project to install the operator, a 3scale version, enable/disable auto update. Click Subscribe button.

    Select Install Options

  16. Click the operator, then click Create Instance in API Manager box.
  17. Edit API Manager definition as following, then click Create.

    kind: APIManager
      name: example-apimanager
      namespace: 3scale28
      wildcardDomain: apps-crc.testing
      resourceRequirementsEnabled: false
  18. Flip to Developer view.

    Flip to Developer view

  19. Once all the pods have been rolled out, access the 3scale admin portal.


OperatorHub page shows "No OperatorHub Items Found"

Wait for a while. The feature might not be ready yet.

This document may help.
No packages show up in the UI (No OperatorHub Items Found)

3scale Operator is running, but no pods are rolled out.

  • Confirm whether threescale-registry-auth secret is created with the correct values.

Cannot start CRC

Try these operations:

  • $ ./crc stop
  • $ ./crc delete
  • Remove the crc VM

After that, back to crc setup.

How to setup previous OCP versions

If you need to run previous OCP versions, you can download the corresponding CRC from here:

Table 1. Table Corresponding OCP versions to CRC versions
CRC versionOCP version